ACEweb Options ​
ACEweb offers several options you can enable:
- Course Listing/Look Up Options
- Student Options
- ACEweb Student Online Reporting Module (AWSTORM)
- Custom Pages (Xpage)
- Adding Icons to Course Listings
- Allow Online Billing for Certain Customers
- Cancel Registrations
- Coupon Discounts
- Credentials
- Deposits
- Donations
- Enrollment Blocker
- Entering Default Registration Field Values
- Event Type Courses
- Hiding Course Groups
- Linking to Online Courses
- Membership Courses
- Name Record Attachments
- One-Time Coupons
- Paying Outstanding Balances Online
- Paying Invoices Online
- Paying with Escrow
- Prevent Duplicate Registration Checking Based on Catalog Code
- Proxy Registrations
- Proxy Registrations - Multi
- Registration History
- Remove Email Address from Mass Email Lists
- Setting Student Password Restrictions
- Suggest a Course
- Supplemental Data Capture Options
- Tell a Friend about this Course
- Unscheduled Courses in Course Listings
- Who Else is Enrolled Option