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All the instructors information for a course.

Reporting Area(s) ​

Courses, Registrations

Required Parameters ​

  1. Course # (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Numeric return value:

1= Name and ID

2= Name only

3= Name, day phone, and eve phone

4= Name-Last Name, First Name

5= Name and Address in block form

6= Name, Address and Phone #'s in block form

7= Name and user defined character string (enter character string as parameter 3)

8= Name, ID, and Pay description

99= returns user defined character string (enter character string as parameter 3)

  1. Logical .t. returns evening phone, .f. returns a blank;
    OR--If Parameter 2=7 or 99, custom return string. NOTE must add alias (i.e. "instruct.incity")
    OR--Numeric return value: 1 includes suffix with name
  2. Delimiter to place between assigned instructors if more than one per course (i.e. Chr(13) carriage return)
  3. Logical .t. returns phone even if 'Publish' is not checked, .f. observes the publish rules
  4. Character return value: field(s) from Instructor table to return. NOTE must add alias (i.e. "instruct.incity")

Example(s) ​

FINDINST(cocrse,1) returns name and ID (i.e. Susan Kraft 121 S 4th St, Ste. 205, 323-99-1111)

FINDINST(cocrse,99,'TRIM(instruct.inname3)+[,]+instruct.inname1+[ ]+str(lipayrate,7,2) ') returns last name, first name, and pay rate (i.e. Olson, Matthew 50.95)

FINDINST(cocrse,7,'instruct.incity') returns name and city (i.e. Matthew Olson, Manhattan)

FINDINST(cocrse,1,1) returns name with suffix and ID (i.e. Matthew Olson III, 329-99-1111)

FINDINST(cocrse,2,.f.,CHR(9)) returns name. If more than one instructor is assigned to course, tabs separate each instructor's information (i.e. Susan Kraft Joe Brown)

FINDINST(cocrse,4,.t.,CHR(13),.t.) returns name (last name, first name) and phone number even if 'Published' not checked (i.e. Olson, Matthew 800-925-2493). If more than one instructor is assigned to course, each instructor's information is placed on new line.