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Used in JUSTDOITs to add 5--OR--the specified number of blank records at the end of a roster report to create "Sign-In" lines (for "walk-in" registrations).

Reporting Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​

  1. Course # (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Number field in cursor to use for registration count (i.e. coenrolled, comax, cogrpct).
  2. Number of blank lines to add. Default is 5.

Example(s) ​

JUSTDOIT('=fillblank(cocrse)') - adds 5 blank records to the end of the report for use in creating "Sign-In" lines.

JUSTDOIT('=fillblank(cocrse,coenrolled,10)') adds 10 blank records to the end of the report.

JUSTDOIT('=fillblank(cocrse,coenrolled,comax-coenrolled)') adds blank records to meet the maximum number of students allowed in the course.

Notes ​

This function can only be used in a JUSTDOIT.

You must add lines (i.e. with the Line Tool) in the Detail band of the report to create the "Sign-In" lines for walk-in registrations. Tip: add the following Print When to the line so it will not show under the enrollees' name: empty(nmname3)