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Assess Additional Charges ​

You can assess Other fees set up on the course record to a registration.

Additional Charges ​

  1. Click the Additional Charges button.
  2. Select the appropriate charge then press the ENTER key.
  3. If you have the Use Optional Fee Quantity preference enabled (in Registration Preferences), the Quantity window opens next. Enter the quantity purchased in the Quantity window then click the OK button.

Enter Fee Quantity

  1. The charge will be added to the Additional Charges window.  Click the Save button to update the Total Due:

Charge Added


  • If you set up any Mandatory fees, they will be automatically assessed to the registration (added to the Additional Charges window).
  • You can assess Coupon Discounts. The discount will be applied to the Main fee rate only.

Fee Adjustments ​

Assess fee adjustments to a registration such as special charges or discounts.

  1. *Select the appropriate fee from the Fee Adjustment Description list.
  2. Enter the fee amount in the Amount field. Note: if you are assessing a discount, you must enter the minus sign (-) as the first character of the amount, e.g. -25.00.

Fee Adjustment Amount

  1. When you type the last zero in the Amount field, the entry will automatically move into the Additional Charges window. Click the Save button to update the Total Due:

Adjustment Added

*This will be a drop down list if you have the Validate Reg Adjustment Fee Description preference enabled in Registration Preferences. If the preference is not enabled, the field is open for you to manually enter an adjustment description.

On-the-fly Adjustment Description

Remove Charges/Adjustments ​

To remove an additional charge or fee adjustment from a registration:

  1. Double-click on the fee in the Additional Charges window that you want to remove.
  2. Confirm the action:

Remove Additional Charge

  1. Click the Save button to save your change.