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Course Dates/Times ​

To set the course schedule:

  1. Enter the Begin Date (or click the 📆 button to select a date).
  2. Enter the # of Sessions.
  3. Select the Begin and End times.
  4. Check the Days meeting.
  5. Click the Save button.

When you save the course record:

  • The system will calculate the End date based on the begin date and days meeting you selected. When calculating the End date, the system also takes into account any Holiday Dates that have been entered into the system.


Enter Holidays BEFORE you schedule courses. The system will look at the Holiday calendar when creating the Room Use records and skip any holiday dates entered.

  • The system populates the Course Time field with a text description of the days and time. E.g. Tu and W from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
  • The system creates Room Use records for each session of the course. These can be customized if needed (e.g. one session meets at a different time or location). Click the Room Use button to see the session records.
  • If you have enabled Room Conflict Checking (on Course Preferences), the system warns you if there is a room conflict.

Clock Hours Schedule ​

If course details are based on clock hours, you can use the Generate Room Use feature to calculate dates/room use record information.

Editing Date/Times ​

If you need to edit the schedule after it is initially created, edit the information (e.g. dates, time, days meeting, # of sessions). Then click the Refresh Schedule button to update the *Course Time and Room Use records.

*If you have the Lock Time preference enabled (on Course Preferences), the Time will NOT be updated when you click the Refresh Schedule button.

Ad Hoc Dates ​

You can set custom dates for the course to meet with the Ad Hoc Dates button.

  1. Enter the course Begin date, # of Sessions, and Begin and End Time.
  2. Save the course record.
  3. The Ad Hoc Dates button is now live. Click it to set the custom date schedule.

Ad Hoc Dates

  1. Check the dates you want the course to meet.
  2. Click the Done button.
  3. Edit the Course Time text if desired.
  4. Save the course record again.

You can now click the Room Use button to see your custom date schedule.