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Refunding without Canceling Registration ​

At times you may need to refund money without canceling the registration. For example, refund a single payment or an overpayment.

To refund without canceling the registration:

  1. Open the individual’s Registration record.
  2. Click the Payments button.
  3. If multiple payment records exist for the registration, find the payment you want to refund.
  4. Click the Refund Wizard button.
  5. Select the Refund to and Refund Amount options.
  6. Uncheck the Cancel this registration? and Zero out CEUs, hours, and credits? boxes.
  7. Select the appropriate Refund description from the drop down menu.
  8. Click the Process button.
  9. Click the Yes button on the Make Adjustment box if you want a fee adjustment entered to zero out the Amount Due.

Amount Overpaid ​

If you select the Amount overpaid option in step 5 above, steps 6-7 are not avaialable:

Amount Overpaid Option