Refunding without Canceling Registration ​
At times you may need to refund money without canceling the registration. For example, refund a single payment or an overpayment.
To refund without canceling the registration:
- Open the individual’s Registration record.
- Click the Payments button.
- If multiple payment records exist for the registration, find the payment you want to refund.
- Click the Refund Wizard button.
- Select the Refund to and Refund Amount options.
- Uncheck the Cancel this registration? and Zero out CEUs, hours, and credits? boxes.
- Select the appropriate Refund description from the drop down menu.
- Click the Process button.
- Click the Yes button on the Make Adjustment box if you want a fee adjustment entered to zero out the Amount Due.
Amount Overpaid ​
If you select the Amount overpaid option in step 5 above, steps 6-7 are not avaialable: