Returns date field in different character expression formats.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Required Parameters ​
- Date Field (i.e. cobegdate, coenddate, rgaddate)
Optional Parameters ​
- Numeric return value:
1= yymmdd
2= yyyymmdd
3= mmddyyyy
4= Day Month Year
5= Month Day
6= mm-dd
7= mm/dd/yy
8= yyyy-mm-dd
- Delimiter (passed in quotes, ie: '/' or '-') if 2nd parameter of 1, 2, or 3 is used.
Example(s) ​
TRIMDATE(cobegdate) returns character string of the course begin date (i.e. 12312002)
TRIMDATE(cobegdate,4) returns character string of the course begin date with day of the week (i.e. Fri Dec 31)
TRIMDATE(cobegdate,3,'/') returns character string of the course begin date formatted as mm/dd/yyyy (i.e. 01/14/1981)