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Used in JUSTDOIT to return names within a radius of a specified zip code.

This function requires additional Student Manager files. Contact your ACEware technician for more information.

Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​


Optional Parameters ​

  1. Zip Code, entered in quotation marks, to be used as the center of the radius (e.g. "66502"). Leave blank to use the GeoSpatial Selector window instead.
  2. Numeric value specifying the miles of the radius (e.g. 25 for 25 miles from entered zip code). Leave blank or set to 0 to use the GeoSpatial Selector window instead.
  3. Logical .t. removes the 0 as marker from the cursor so you can run additional justdoits in the report if desired. .f.adds the 0 as marker (default).

Example(s) ​

JUSTDOIT('=ZIPRADIUS()') opens the GeoSpatial Selector window for you to enter the zip code and radius.

JUSTDOIT('=ZIPRADIUS("66502",25)') returns all people with a zip code that is in within 25 miles of the 66502 zip code.

JUSTDOIT('=ZIPRADIUS("",0,.t.)') opens the GeoSpatial Selector window for you to enter the zip code and radius, and removes the 0 as marker from the cursor so you can run additional justdoits.

Notes ​

This function can only be used in a JUSTDOIT.

It can be combined with the Mapping feature to show the radius on a map.