Used in JUSTDOIT to return names within a radius of a specified zip code.
This function requires additional Student Manager files. Contact your ACEware technician for more information.
Area(s) ​
Required Parameters ​
Optional Parameters ​
- Zip Code, entered in quotation marks, to be used as the center of the radius (e.g. "66502"). Leave blank to use the GeoSpatial Selector window instead.
- Numeric value specifying the miles of the radius (e.g. 25 for 25 miles from entered zip code). Leave blank or set to 0 to use the GeoSpatial Selector window instead.
- Logical .t. removes the 0 as marker from the cursor so you can run additional justdoits in the report if desired. .f.adds the 0 as marker (default).
Example(s) ​
JUSTDOIT('=ZIPRADIUS()') opens the GeoSpatial Selector window for you to enter the zip code and radius.
JUSTDOIT('=ZIPRADIUS("66502",25)') returns all people with a zip code that is in within 25 miles of the 66502 zip code.
JUSTDOIT('=ZIPRADIUS("",0,.t.)') opens the GeoSpatial Selector window for you to enter the zip code and radius, and removes the 0 as marker from the cursor so you can run additional justdoits.
Notes ​
This function can only be used in a JUSTDOIT.
It can be combined with the Mapping feature to show the radius on a map.