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Returns Main fee description, amount, number of people registered with that fee and the amount that fee has generated.

Reporting Area(s) ​

Courses, Registrations

Required Parameters ​

  1. Course # (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Delimiter: character to separate fee types (",", "-"). Default is carriage return (CHR(13))
  2. Logical .t. include canceled registrations, .f. don't include (default)

Example(s) ​

RGFEEDIST(cocrse) returns registration fee description, amount of fee, number of people enrolled at fee, and sum of fee (i.e. Registration Fee 195.00 3 585.00)

RGFEEDIST(cocrse, ",") returns information with fee types separated by commas (i.e. Registration Fee 195.00 3 585.00, Staff Fee 175.00 1 175.00)

Notes ​

Check 'Stretch with overflow' on the Report Expression window with this function.

If you do not include the optional parameter, will return information in a columnar format.