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Pocket Ledger Reports ​

There are a variety of Pocket Ledger reports available including Income/Expense balances, Expense listings, Budget reports (if your organization is using the Budget Module), and Income/Expense snapshots. Pocket Ledger reports work just like all ACEware reports and can be modified to meet your needs.

If you have the Print Requisiton Option enabled (on Pocket Ledger Preferences), you can print Requisition order forms with the Print Requisition button. You may also create additional reports for the specific Cost Center in this report area.

Print Requisition Option

Reports > Pocket Ledger ​

Reports run from Print Requisitions are individualized reports. To run reports on groups of Cost Centers, select a report from the Pocket Ledger report area.

Expense Listings – generate details of expenses grouped by Cost Center, Expense Class, Account Numbers, or Vendors.

Income/Expense Balances – generate detailed balances due for each cost center, or view summary of income/expenses only.

Budget Reports (Budget Module Users) – generate reports of budgeted expenses and actual costs of budgeted items.

Snapshot (in the Income/Expense Balances area) – get a quick look at your income and expenses for a given period. Enter the date range you want to view (you can also restrict it to only look at certain courses within the date range). The report will show you how many individuals were registered in that time period, how many payments were made, the total income and expenses, and your net income.