Sum any numeric field from the registration for each course in the report.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Courses, Registrations
Required Parameters ​
- Course # (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)
- Field to sum (i.e. "rghours", "rgceus", "rgnumb", "rgcrsefee")
Optional Parameters ​
- Logical .t. include canceled registrations, .f. don't include (default)
- Condition to include registrations (i.e.: "rgfeedesc= 'Staff Fee'", "rggrade = 'A'")
- Condition to include names (i.e. "nmorg='EDUC' ", "nmocc='ART' ")
Example(s) ​
SUMREG(rgcrse, "rgceus") returns sum of registration CEUS assessed to each course.
SUMREG(rgcrse, "rghours", .f., "rgcrsefee > 0") returns sum of hours for all non canceled registrations in a particular course where the registration fee is greater than 0.00
Notes ​
Handy in returning the sum total of Hours, Credits, CEUS per course, particularly in the CEU Reporting area.