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Budget Results ​

At the bottom of the Budget screen is the Budget Results. The system displays estimated total costs, a registration fee breakdown based on your main registration fee, Overhead amount, and the number of enrollments required to pay for the class (Go/No Go and Break Even).

Budget Results

Also displayed are the Actual Enrollment Count, Actual Expenses (those expenses entered into Pocket Ledger), and Actual Profit/Loss.

Budget Calculations ​

The following are used to calculate the various Budget Result Information:

Enrolled ​

Total estimated enrollment (total number for all main fees)

Sunk ​

All Estimated Expenses marked as Sunk

Program ​

All Estimated Expenses marked as Program

Base Fee ​

The first fee you have entered in Main Fees is considered the Base Fee

PP Chgs ​

The total amount of Per Person Charges

Net (Usable) ​

Base Fee - Total Per Person Charges

Overhead ​

All Expenses (Sunk and Program)  X  Percentage Overhead Charged

Profit(Loss) ​

((Base Fee - Total Per Person Charges)  X  Enrolled)  +  All Estimated Income [not enrollment income])  -  (All Estimated Expenses + Overhead)

Go/No Calculation ​

Program Type Expenses ÷  (Base Fee - Total Per Person Charges)

Break Even Calculation ​

(All Expenses [Sunk and Program] + Overhead)  ÷  (Base Fee - Total Per Person Charges)