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Entering Data ​

Here are some hints to help you easily enter data in records:

Field Capitalization ​

Many field entries are automatically capitalized (e.g. First and Last Name). For this reason, we strongly discourage using the using the CAPSLOCK key when entering data.

Move to Next Field ​

Press the TAB key to move to the next field. All screens have a tab order set that is natural to the way you would enter data into the record. For example on a new Name record, tabbing will move you from First Name to Middle Initial to Last Name.

Move to Previous Field ​

Press SHIFT+TAB to move to a previous field. For example, if you are in the Last Name field and realize that you misspelled the First Name, press Shift+Tab twice to move back to the First Name field.

Fields with Drop Down Lists ​

When you tab into a field with a drop drown list, the list will automatically open for you to make a selection. Scroll down the list to the value you want to select, or type in the value--the cursor moves down the list as you type. Once you the value highlighted, press the ENTER key to enter the value in the field and move to the next field.

Removing a Value from a Validated Field ​

To remove a value from a field with a drop down list, click into the field then press the DELETE key. The value is removed from the field.

Fields with Pink Hash Marks ​

In these fields, you enter the value then press the TAB key. If the entry is found, the associated fields will be auto-entered for you. For example, enter a zip code into a Name record then tab out. If the zip code is a valid code (there is a zip code record in the Zip Code table), the system looks up the zip code record then enters the associated city, state, county, country and area codes into the appropriate fields for you.

Checkboxes ​

You can check/uncheck a box on a screen by clicking the box with your mouse. You may also check/uncheck a box by pressing the SPACE BAR when you tab to the checkbox. Note: a highlighted checkbox’s label is surrounded by a dotted line.