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FailOption ​

Determines how ACEweb handles registrations when the payment fails to validate (e.g. credit card is declined).

  • 0=Failed Registration is active and Pay record is voided.
  • 1=Failed Registration is *deleted and Pay record is voided and deleted.
  • 2=Recommended. Failed registration is canceled and payment is voided.

*SQL Users: registration is marked as Revoked.


The reason for failure is stored in the Pay Note field (e.g. "CC Declined") for all options.


  • With option 0, there is a possibility of duplicate registrations if the user tries to re-register immediately after the initial failure. As long as they haven't logged off, the course will still be in their cart and they can resubmit, resulting in the duplicate registration.
  • With options 1 and 2, the user can try the enrollment again, even if they log off and try at a later time. ACEweb will recycle the registration record if it was canceled or deleted. However, for a canceled registration to be recycled by ACEweb, the registration record's Updated By value must be WWWEB. If the registration was edited by a staff member (Update By value will now be the staff members' user name), ACEweb will not recycle the record.