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Other Fees ​

Other Fees are fees/discounts that can be added to the registration. Registrants can be assessed an unlimited amount of Other fees.

There are 3 types of Other fees:

  • Optional Fees - additional charges the registrant can be assessed. E.g. supplies package, guest banquet ticket, etc.

Mandatory Fees: you can set an optional fee as Mandatory. E.g. the course requires they pay a Lab fee in addition to the Main fee. Mandatory fees are automatically assessed to the registration when an individual enrolls in a course.

  • Inventory Items - inventory items are optional fees for which you are keeping inventory. For instance, you set up the course book as an inventory item. Every time the book is assessed to a registration, the inventory number is decremented. When the Number on Hand reaches the Order Point, you'll be notified it's time to reorder the item.

Note: Inventory items must be set up in the code list before they can be set up in a Course record.

  • Coupon Discounts - discounts given to registrants--IF--they have the coupon code associated with the coupon discount (e.g. coupon discont code from a course flyer).

Other Fees are added on the course Fees tab.

Add Other Fee ​

To add an Other fee to a course:

  1. Click the Add Other Fee button.
  2. Select the appropriate fee name from the Fee Description list.
  3. Enter the amount in the Amount field.
  4. Select the Fee type from the Type list (Optional, Coupon, or Inventory).
  5. If this is an optional fee that should be automatically assessed to registrants, click the Mandatory field to turn the button to Yes.
  6. Coupon/Inv. Code Entry:
  • If this is a Coupon Discount, enter the Coupon code in the Coupon/Inv. Code field.
  • If this is an Inventory Item, enter the Inventory code in the Coupon/Inv. Code field.
  • If this is an Coupon Use Limit, enter the Coupon Use Limit code in the Coupon/Inv. Code field.
  1. If you want to hide this fee from the Web, click the Hide from Web field to turn the button to Yes.
  2. If you want this fee to expire, enter the appropriate value in the Fee Expires field. The default behavior is to enter the date the fee expires. However, if you have the Use Number of Days for Fees Expires course preference enabled, enter the number of days before the course begins.
  3. If you don't want the fee to be available on ACEweb until a specified date, enter the date into the Active field. The option will not be available until the Active date.
  4. Click the Save button to save your fees.

Delete Fees ​

To delete a course fee:

  1. Select the fee you want to delete.
  2. Click on the White box to the left of the Fee Description field. This will turn the box Black.

  1. Click the Save button to save your changes.

VFP Users: the fee is marked for deletion and will be removed from the system when you run the Pack/Reindex routine. SQL Users: the fee is deleted when you save the course record.