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Grouping Codes ​

Grouping codes are used to identify courses for these procedures:

Creating Grouping Codes for ACEweb Use ​

There are some special rules that apply to creating Grouping codes which are used on ACEweb:

Character Restrictions ​

Grouping codes and descriptions CAN ONLY consist only of letters (i.e. A, B, etc.), numbers (i.e. 1, 2, etc.), or a dash (-) to combine words (e.g. A-PLUS) except as specified when using GroupOption 2 (i.e. periods [.] are used in Grouping codes when using GroupOption 2).

Minimum Length Requirements ​

Grouping codes MUST be at least 3 characters in length to function properly. You will not get consistent results when searching for courses or displaying courses in groups if your Grouping codes are 1-2 characters long.

Description Requirements ​

ACEweb will use the grouping code description in the Course Group link, so you MUST enter descriptions for all grouping codes used with ACEweb.

Grouping Code Detail ​

ACEweb will display the Detail text on the page when a user clicks the course group link. You may enter an HTML formatted description in the Detail field.

Grouping Code Image ​

Associate an image with the group.

Assigning Grouping Codes to Courses ​

You can assign multiple grouping codes to a course record. For example, if you want the Introduction to Microsoft Office course to show in the Computer Courses group and in the Business Courses group, you can assign both grouping codes to the course.

To assign grouping codes to a course:

  1. Open the course record.
  2. Click the Grouping Code button.
  3. Click on the code you want to assign to the course.
  4. Click the OK button.
  5. Click the Save button on the course record to save your changes.