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Used in a JUSTDOIT to report duplicate records.

Reporting Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​

  1. Table to be searched for dupes (i.e.: NAMES, COURSE, REGISTER)
  2. Field to be checked for duplicates (i.e. nmid, cocrse). Can be a combined string and/or substrings, (i.e. rgcrse+rgid, SUBS(nmname3,1,5)+SUBS(nmname1,1,1))

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Condition to search for dupes (i.e. "NMCITY=’Lincoln' ") Defaults to .t. ( all )
  2. Logical .t. adds a field to cursor with number of records that match parameter #2 (field to be checked for duplicates)
  3. Logical .t. pops up a browse window to review results

Example(s) ​

JUSTDOIT('=SHOWDUPE("COURSE","cocrsenm") returns a list of courses with the same course name

JUSTDOIT('=SHOWDUPE("COURSE","cocrsenm","cocoord='Havlicek' ") returns a list of courses with the same course name AND the same coordinator assigned

JUSTDOIT('=SHOWDUPE("COURSE","cocrsenm","",.t.) returns a list of courses with the same course name and adds a field to the cursor (Ncount) which reports how many possible duplicates the system