This version works in Student Manager
Returns listing of all meeting dates and times for a course.
Reporting Areas ​
Courses, Registrations
Required Parameters ​
- Course # (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse, gccourse)
Optional Parameters ​
- Numeric return value: number of columns for meeting date display (i.e. 1 [default] places each session on its own line, 2 places 2 sessions on a line, etc. If you want all sessions listed on the same line use 100)
- Logical .t. lists only dates, .f. lists dates and times (default)
- Character String used to separate dates (i.e. "-", "/", " ", ","). Default is 3 spaces
- Column delimiter (spacing between columns if the # of columns >0) Default is CHR(9) TAB
- Custom return string: field(s) to return (i.e. "DTOC(crmdate)+' '+CDOW(crmdate)" returns the date and day of the week)
Examples ​
DATELIST(cocrse) returns 1-17-03 7-9pm
DATELIST(cocrse,100,.t.,",") returns 1/17/03,1/24/03
DATELIST(cocrse,1,.t.," ","","DTOC(crmdate)+' '+CDOW(crmdate)") returns 1/17/01 Friday