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BonusDeal ​

Specify options for the BOGO special offer.

  1. GROUP = Name of course group assigned to all courses in the bonus group.
  2. HowMany = Number of courses registrant must enroll in before receiving the discount. E.g. if set to 1, registrant must enroll in 1 and will receive the discount on the 2nd course.
  3. Discount = discount rate. If 0, course is free. If between 0 and 1, % discount of base price. If 1 and above, amount is used as course fee.
  4. Rule = determine course(s) that are discounted:

LOW - discount is applied to the least expensive course on the cart ANY - discount is applied to last course added to cart AFTER - discount is applied to all courses added after the HowMany value is met

  1. Fee Description = fee description used for the bonus rate. REQUIRED: a fee with this description (with amount set to 0.00 and hidden from web) must be added to each course in the bonus group.
  2. Deal Description = wording used in various page titles and links for the special offer.
  3. NPOK = adding this parameter will include courses set to No Publish/Register in the Bonus Deal.

Parameters are separated with a colon, [:].

Examples ​

BOGO:1:.10:AFTER:Bonus Discount

BOGO:1:0:LOW:BOGO Discount:Special Offer:NPOK