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Emailing Individual ​

To send an individual an email:

  1. Open the individual’s Name record.
  2. Choose one of these options to open the email window:
  • Double click the individual’s Email field
  • Click the Quick Reports button then check the Quick Email box on the Quick Report window.

Note:  the individual must have an email address entered in the Email field or the Quick Email check box will not be highlighted.

Both options will open the Email screen:

Quick Email Screen

The Sender, Email and Send to fields are auto-entered for you. The Sender and Email values come from the user's entries in the User record unless they are not entered in the user's record. Then they come from the Email Set Up entries).

  1. Type in your subject, CC recipients (if any) and message.
  2. Click the Spell Check button if you want to spell check your message before sending.
  3. Add any attachments.
  4. Check Also send me a copy if you want to receive a blind carbon copy of the message.
  5. If you want to send a BCC to a staff member, select them from the drop down (lower right).
  6. Check Include my Email Signature line if you have entered an email signature on your User record and want it be appended to the email.
  7. Click the Send button.

You will be notified that the mail was sent and returned to the name screen.

Emailing an Instructor ​

Emailing an instructor is similar to emailing an individual. To email an instructor, open the instructor’s Faculty Manager record and double click the email address to open the Email screen.

HTML Formatted Emails ​

You can use HTML to format your message. If using HTML, your email message MUST be enclosed in the opening <html><body> and closing </body></html> tags. E.g.:

HTML Formatted Email