RegStatusFields ​
Determines fields and column headings on the Current Courses page (Registration History).
Valid field values are: cocrse, coalias, coursename, cobegdate, coenddate, cosess, cotype, cocategory, codept, cocoord, coinstid, cocrsetm, rgstatus, rghours, rgceus, rgcredit, rgcrsefee, rgproxyid, loclocat (Location), locinfo (Location Details), locnote, lochtml
To trigger totals for rgceus, rgcredit, or rgcrsefee, put an asterisk in front of the field name, e.g.: *rgceus:CEUs
Defaults to: cocrsenm:Title;cobegdate:Start;coenddate:End;cosess:Sessions;*rghours:Hours; *rgceus:CEUs; *rgcrsefee:Fee
Workshop Listing ​
If you want to allow students to change their current workshop enrollment, use a customized RegStatusFields with the coursename field. E.g.
coursename:Title;cobegdate:Start;coenddate:End;cosess:Sessions;*rghours:Hours; *rgceus:CEUs; *rgcrsefee:Fee
This will turn the course name into a link to the Workshop Listing page where they can change their workshop enrollment.
Donation, Membership, Online Type Courses ​
In general, Donation, Membership, and Online type courses do not have begin and end dates so they will not be listed in the Current Courses listing.
If you must enter begin/end dates in a Donation, Membership, or Online type course and want it included in the Current Courses listing, you can add a second field listing separated by the pipe character [ | ] to the RegStatusFields INIÂ setting.
Note, the second list MUST include the cotype field. E.g.
coursename:Title;cobegdate:Start;coenddate:End;cosess:Sessions; *rghours:Hours; *rgceus:CEUs; *rgcrsefee:Fee|coursename:Course Name;cotype:Type;*rgcrsefee:Fee
The second list will be used for a second table on the Current Courses page. All Donation, Membership, and Online type courses with begin/end dates entered will be displayed in this second table.