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Used in a JUSTDOIT to create multiple address labels for a specific firm with specified generic names*. Use to generate mailing labels sent to department head of firms in your database, e.g. 'Personnel Director', 'IT Director', 'President', etc.

Reporting Area(s) ​

Names, Firms

Required Parameters ​

  1. Comma Separated List of Titles i.e. (Personnel Director, Finance Director, President, IT Director)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Custom Sort Order ie: ("NMZIP,NMFIRM") Default order is ZIP

Example(s) ​

JUSTDOIT('=mailXpand("Personnel Director,IT Director")') Will create a mailing label showing the title of "Personnel", "Finance", and "Information Technology" for each unique firm in the query.

Notes ​

Firm ID must be present in the cursor (i.e. nmfmid or fmfmid).

*MAILXPAND removes any Name records from the cursor which do not have a firm assigned. It then creates a temporary field in the cursor called 'MailTitle' and assigns the title(s) you entered in parameter 1 to the field for each firm record in the cursor. If you entered one title, you will have one record per firm. If you enter two, you will have two firm records in the with the two separate titles in the field. To print the title on the mailing label, you MSUT add the 'MailTitle' field into your label expression (e.g. mailtitle;fmfirm;fmaddr1,etc.).