DebugFlag ​
Controls which ACEweb routines are logged, how much detail is recorded, and where the results are stored. There are 2 options for debug logging:
- Database Table (RECOMMENDED): logs to a database table.
- VFP users: a new table is created for each day's entries with the AWDBYYMMDD naming convention, e.g. AWDB240815.dbf.
- SQL users: entries are written to a single table in the SQL database called AWDebuglog.
- Text File: for VFP and SQL users, logs are written to a daily .txt file with the AWDBYYMMDD naming convention, e.g. AWDB2400815.txt.
Enable Debug Logging ​
Enter the appropriate values to enable debug logging.
Values must be entered in UPPERCASE.
Log to Database (RECOMMENDED) ​
TABLE: setting - the default settign to enable debug logging.
FLAGS: setting - can be used with the TABLE: option to log specific routines only. For example, TABLE:FLAGS:PYSRV will only log pay service routines. This may be useful during heavy registration periods (e.g. opening day).
EMAIL setting - to log additional email routines and mailserver errors (if any), follow the TABLE: entry with EMAIL, e.g. TABLE:EMAIL.
Detail settings - there are some flags your ACEware technician may suggest you add to log details of various routines. These are only used in certain circumstances because they generate extensive output and bloat the Log files. They should be removed from the DebugFlag setting as soon as the problem is identified and resolved. The most commonly used detail flags:
- CALDETAILS - log calendar details.
- CATDETAILS - interim ShowSchedule cursors.
- CSDETAILS - logs CourseStatus details.
- ECDETAILS - log Enrollment Cart table details.
- EMAILDETAILS - logs email contents.
- INSDETAILS - logs instructor logon details.
- PAYDETAILS – shows components of confirmation line items.
- PDDETAILS - logs namecodes and memberships details.
- PYSRVDETAILS – logs special output from certain pay services, and HTML source code of pay service launching page.
- WKSDETAILS - logs workshop enrollment details.
Log to Text file (LEGACY) ​
Eenter the appropriate flags separated by commas:
- CAL - Calendar display routines
- CAT - Course listing routines (groups, and individual courses)
- CS - Course service routines (JER, D2L, etc.)
- EC - Enrollment Cart display routines
- EMAIL - Email routines and mailserver errors.
- INS - Instructor pages
- LOG - Logon routines
- PAY - Pre-Payment and confirmation routines
- PD - Personal Data routines
- PYSRV - Pay Service routines
- REG - Registration page display and waitlisting routines
- RST - Registration History routines
- WKS - Workshop signup routines
- XR - Enrollment Cart, XLogon, XPage, and Express Registration routines.
Disable Debug Logging ​
To disable debugging, enter NONE