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AT ​

Searches character/memo fields for the specified text string.

Reporting Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​

  1. Character search string: text for which to search (i.e. "-")
  2. Search field: field in which to search for character string (i.e. nmcomm,rfdesc,,fmfirm)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Numeric search value: number of occurrences to search for (i.e. 3-search for 3 occurrences of the character string)

Example(s) ​

AT("-",fmfirm) searches for a hyphen in the firm title field

AT("-",fmfirm,3) searches for 3 occurrences of a hyphen in the firm title field

Notes ​

Standard FoxPro function

This function is most often used to return the partial contents of a field into a report. For example, if the firm title field contains "Riley-ACEware Systems, Inc." but you only want to return the text after the hyphen, you would use the AT() function in the following SUBSTR() expression: SUBSTR(fmfirm,AT("-",fmfirm)+1)