Returns returns number of instances of each code for the specified code field (e.g. zip code, city, etc.).
Reporting Area(s) ​
Required Parameters ​
- Field in Cursor to base analysis on (i.e. "cosubcode","nmcity","nmzip")
- Code field to analyze (i.e. "nmethnic","nmsex","nmocc","nmorg","nccode")
Optional Parameters ​
- Delimiter to place between code field values. Default is carriage return. (i.e. ",", "-")
Example(s) ​
CODERPT("nmzip","nmocc") returns number of instances of each code for the specified field, i.e.
CODERPT("nmzip","nmocc",",") returns number of instances of each code for the specified field, i.e. 66502= 7-ACTOR, 4-ADMIN, 2-DOCTOR
Notes ​
The report must be sorted by the field in the first parameter, i.e. in the above examples reporting number of occupation codes by zip code, the report was sorted in zip code order (nmzip). If your report is not sorted in the correct order, you must use a JUSTDOIT to re-order the report.