Interface Manager ​
For those organizations using the default templates and style sheets, you can use the Interface Manager to hide/display/change your logo, and change the color scheme.
IMPORTANT: you can only use the Interface Manager if:
- Design templates are in the Templates folder (i.e. wconnect\ace) and have not been renamed. For example, the Home page must be named Home.htm.
- You are using the default style sheets (i.e. aceweb.css, awStyles.css and awPrint.css) and they are located in the Style Sheet folder (i.e. wconnect\ace\css). This routine will not update style sheets in other locations or with other names.
Logo Attributes ​
You may determine whether or not to show the logo image on the templates and change the image name.
- The image file must be present in the Images subfolder before you can change the image name.
- Due to image caching, some browsers may continue to show the original image on previously viewed pages.
- To fully implement your changes, you must Reload HTML Templates
Color Scheme Attributes ​
In order to change CSS colors using this tool, you must have VBScript version 5.0 or higher installed on the ACEweb server. We also highly advise you to make backup copies of your Style Sheets files before you change colors.