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Returns a portion of a character string.

Reporting Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​

  1. Field to substring (i.e. loclocat)

--OR-- Character expression to substring (i.e. "Managing Your Time Wisely")

  1. Character position at which to start substring (i.e. 1, 40)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Number of characters to return (i.e. 10)

Example(s) ​

SUBSTR(cocrsenm,1,25) returns the first 25 characters of the course name (i.e. Mastering Student Manager)

SUBSTR(loclocat,41) returns characters 41-through the end of location name (i.e. Konza Room)

SUBSTR(loclocat,41,5) returns characters 41-45 of location name (i.e. Konza)

Notes ​

Standard FoxPro Function