Returns number of courses or a logical (.t. or Yes) that meet the specified criteria.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Names, Registrations
Required Parameters ​
- Name ID (i.e. nmid, rgid, pyid)
Optional Parameters ​
- Condition to return value based on the Course table (i.e. "cobegdate>ctod([07/01/2015])")
- Condition to return value based on the Register table (i.e. or "rgstatus = 'Guest' ")
- Logical .t. returns True/False, .f. returns number of courses that meet condition in parameter 2.
- Logical .t. if parameter 4 is set to to .t., returns Yes/NO, .f. returns T/F.
- Logical .t. includes canceled records in the condition set in parameter 2, .f. does not include canceled records (default).
Optional Parameters ​
Example(s) ​
HASCOURSE(rgid,"cobegdate>ctod([07/01/2015])") returns number of courses student has taken that started after the entered date.
HASCOURSE(rgid,"codept='Math'","rgfeedesc='Early Bird Fee'",.t.,.t.) returns Yes if student has taken course in Math department with a fee description 'Early Bird Fee'
SQL Version
If you are running the SQL version, you will need to use LIKE for begins with conditions:
HASCOURSE(rgid,"cocrse LIKE '20F%'","rgfeedesc='Early Bird Fee'") returns courses beginning with 20F and with an Early Bird Fee rate.
A contains text condition example uses the % before and after the search term:
HASCOURSE(rgid,"cocrse LIKE '%ACE%'","rgfeedesc='Early Bird Fee'") return courses with ACE in the course code and and with an Early Bird Fee rate.
Notes ​
Waitlisted and Billing Record registrations are ALWAYS excluded.