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Zip Codes ​

Zip codes are used on the Names, Faculty Manager, and Firms screen to link to the Zip Code record for the individual/firm.

A Zip Code record must exist in the Zip Code database before the zip code can be assigned to a record.  To add/edit zip codes, select Module > Zip Codes.

Zip Code buttons which have special behavior:

  • Show Names – displays list of associated Name records.
  • Show Firms – displays list of associated Firm records.
  • Show Instructors – displays list of associated Instructor records.

Duplicate Zip Code Records ​

If you have a zip code that encompasses two area codes (or two cities or two counties), you can add a duplicate zip code record with the second area code.  When you enter that zip code in the record, the Data Validation list will pop up with both of the matching zip codes for you to select the correct zip code record.