Returns payment information for a particular registration.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Required Parameters ​
- Course # (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)
- Name ID (i.e. nmid, rgid, pyid)
Optional Parameters ​
- Field(s) from Pay table to return ("pynumber", "pycont+pyphone").
- Condition to return field(s) (i.e. "pyname= 'chuck' ", "pyamt > 0").
- Delimiter: character to separate payments (",", "-"). Default is carriage return.
Example(s) ​
ADDPAY(rgcrse,rgid,"pynumber","pytype='4'") returns pay number for ALL payment of type 4 (VISA).
ADDPAY(rgcrse,rgid,"pynumber+' '+pycont+' '+pyname","pyamt>0") returns payment number, contact person, payor name fall payments greater than $0
ADDPAY(rgcrse,rgid,"paytype(pytype)+' '+pyrecnum+' '+transform(pyamt,'$$$,$$$.99')","pytype $ '124567ABCDEFGH' ") returns pay type, receipt number, and payment amount for all payment types except Void, Billing, and Refund.
Notes ​
The default option (using required parameters 1 and 2) returns Pay Date, Payer Name, Receipt Number, Pay Type, Pay Amount.