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Returns total paid for a course.

Reporting Area(s) ​

Courses, Accounting

Required Parameters ​

  1. Course # (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Logical .t. include billings, .f. don't include (default)
  2. Character return value: only report specific payment types (i.e. "456" returns total payments by credit card)
  3. Logical .t. include canceled records, .f. don't include (default)

Example(s) ​

GTCOPAID(cocrse) returns total paid for the course EXCLUDING billings (i.e. $660.00)

GTCOPAID(rgcrse,.f. ,"456",.t.) returns total paid (including canceled records) by credit card for the course (i.e. $250.00)

Notes ​

Use to find out how much was paid by particular payment type(s) (i.e. how much was paid by credit card). This function automatically excludes refunds and voids unless you include those payment types in parameter #3.