Returns number of Payments per pay type with extended totals per category.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Required Parameters ​
- Course # (cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)
Optional Parameters ​
- Logical .t. don't include canceled records, .f. includes canceled in counts (default)
- Character return value: pay types to return (i.e. "12456")
Example(s) ​
COPAYDTL(cocrse) returns the number of payments and total per category for all pay types (i.e. Cash 3 $150.00; Check 5 $250.00; if there were 3 cash payments for a total of $150.00 and 5 checks for a total of $250.00)
COPAYDTL(cocrse,.t.) returns the number of payments and total per category for all pay types including canceled records.
COPAYDTL(cocrse,.t.,"12456") returns the number of cash, check and credit card payments
Notes ​
For complete and final pay detail, you should use Cashbox or Daily Income X source.