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ScheduleFields ​

Determines the fields/headers shown in the Currently Scheduled course listing section.

This setting can be overridden with these options:

Fields can be any of the following:

  • Course:   code, Course_Name, Course_Name2, Course_Name3, Begins, Ends, Cocrsetm (Course Time field), Fee OR FullFee (base fee plus any mandatory fees). Other course fields by field name, e.g. cocatcode.
  • Catalog: any field from Catalog. Note, requires the JoinCatalog setting added to the ##-Config-## section of XShowSchedule.htm.
  • Location: Any location field, e.g. Loclocat, Locinfo, LocCity.
  • Course UDFs:  any course UDF field, e.g. cudfc1, cudfd2, cudfn3, cudfl4
  • Instructor:  inname displays the instructor name. Note:  only one instructor will be shown (the first alphabetically) in the course List.

Defaults to: Course_Name:Title;Begins:Begins;Ends:Ends;Cocrsetm:Meets;FullFee:Fee


  • If using FullFee, you must also use it in the AsyncFields INI setting.
  • Course_Name includes the javascript to display hover over popups with additional course information.
  • Course_Name2 does not include the hover over popup coding. Because the hover over popups can add overhead to building/displaying the course lists, you may consider using Course_Name2 on opening days to cut down on overall server hits. With ACEweb 066, this option also includes the course code in a hidden span, for meeting Accessibility requirements.
  • Course_Name3 does not include the hover over popup coding. Because the hover over popups can add overhead to building/displaying the course lists, you may consider using Course_Name3 on opening days to cut down on overall server hits. With ACEweb 066, this option also includes the course code for meeting Accessibility requirements.

Column Width ​

You may determine the percentage of width for each column by adding the Pipe ( | ) followed by the percentage amount after the Column Heading, e.g.


Using Dates ​

You may use the ACEweb version of the NiceDate() function to return dates in character format (e.g. September 25, 2014).

The TableSorter function can sort date ranges (e.g. September 25-October 1, 2014) in Date order with customization of the ScheduleFields setting AND TableSorter function on xshowschedule.htm. For more information, contact your ACEware technician.

The TableSorter can sort single dates in text format IF the year is included. E.g. September 25, 2014 or Sep 25, 2014.

NiceDate() will not return the year when selecting the parameter to return 3-letter months. If you want to use 3-letter months, use this expression for the date field:

padr(left(cmonth(begins),3)+[ ]+transform(day(begins))+[, ]+transform(year(begins)),12):Begins

(above example uses Begin date. Change begins to ends in all places in the expression if you want the same expression for the End date)

Enrollment Status ​

If you allow waitlisting on specific courses and want to show the course status, you can use an IIF statement. E.g. if there are openings, display "Open"; if there are no openings and you are allowing waitlisting for the course, display "Waitlist", otherwise display "Closed"):

IIF(coenrolled<comax,"Open",IIF(coenrolled=>comax and cowebwait,"Waitlist","Closed  ")):Status

Fees ​

Display specific fees in the listing (e.g. resident and non-resident fees) with the GetFee() function.

Examples ​

ScheduleFields=Course_Name:Title;code:Code;Begins:Begins;Cocrsetm:Meets; Fee:Fee


ScheduleFields=Course_Name:Title;nicedate(begins,ends,3,20):Dates;Cocrsetm:Meets; Fee:Fee

ScheduleFields=Course_Name:Title;Begins:Begins;IIF(coenrolled<comax,"Open",IIF(coenrolled=>comax and cowebwait,"Waitlist","Closed  ")):Status

ScheduleFields=Course_Name:Title;Begins:Begins;[<div class="awRightText">]+getfee(cocrse,"Resident Fee")+[</div>]:Resident Fee;[<div class="awRightText">]+getfee(cocrse,"Non-resident Fee")+[</div>]:Non-resident Fee