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Certificate Wizard ​

The Certificate Wizard allows you to print transcripts for students who meet specific certificate criteria.

Creating Certificate Wizard Report ​

Before you can run the Certificate Wizard, you will need to create a 'Certificate Wizard' report in the Reports > Registrations > Transcripts report area:

  1. Modify your transcript report and add the following JUSTDOIT:


  1. Save the transcript report with a new name, e.g. Certificate Wizard.

Running the Report ​

After you create the report, you're ready to run the Certificate Wizard:

  1. Select the Reports > Registrations > Transcripts report area.
  2. Select the Additional Reports option, and any other options you want then click OK.
  3. Run the appropriate query:
  • Your query MUST reference the grouping codes you want to include in the Certificate Wizard report.
  • You may also want to include a 'course begins with' or 'course begin dates within a range' element to your query to restrict the report to specific term or range of dates.
  1. From the Select Additional Report window, select the report.
  2. The Certificate Wizard now opens.

Certificate Wizard

  1. Select the options for Criteria #1, i.e. the grouping code, comparison value, number and type. If desired, also set a grade or attendance filter:

Certificate Filter

  1. Set additional criteria, if desired:

Select Additional Criteria

  • Only use criteria 1 default - if selecting this option, you can click the OK to continue the Certificate Wizard process.
  • Return names (in criteria 1) missing one or more core classes - this option enables the Core courses field where you enter the catalog codes of the course classes.

Enter Catalog Codes

  • Student also has to have taken classes from grouping code... - enables Criteria #2 where you select the values for the 2nd grouping code:

Criteria Two Filter

Note: the grouping codes for criteria 2 must be in the query you ran.

  1. If the transcript report contains no other JUSTDOITs, check the Write 0 as Marker box.
  2. Once you have all criteria set, click the OK button to continue to the Transcript report.

Transcripts will be printed for all students who met the Certificate Wizard criteria you specified.