This version works in Student Manager This ADDFEE2() version works in ACEweb.
Returns the descriptions and amounts of Additional charges for specific registrations.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Registrations, Accounting
Required Parameters ​
- Name ID (i.e. nmid, rgid, pyid)
- Course # (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)
Optional Parameters ​
- Logical .t. dollar value of optional charge, .f. description and amount of optional charge (default)
- Condition to return fee (i.e. "rfdesc='book'")
- Delimiter to place between description and fee amount (i.e. " ", ", ", " - ")
- Numeric return value: repeat N times the character string in Parameter 5 (to control spacing between Description and Fee Amount)
Example(s) ​
ADDFEE2(rgid, cocrse,.t.) returns dollar amount of Additional charges (12.00)
ADDFEE2(rgid, rgcrse, .f., "rfdesc= 'Book'") returns description & amount of Book fee (Book 12.00)
ADDFEE2(rgid,rgcrse,.f.,""," -- ") returns description and amount of Additional charges separated by ' --'
Notes ​
The optional third parameter determines if the function returns the Description or the $ amount. If .T. is the third parameter, it return the dollar amount (numeric) of the optional charge. If you leave it off, or pass it .F., it gives you the description plus the fee as a character string.