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Returns field from the Instructor/Linkinst table or the total amount of payments for instructors for a particular course.

Reporting Area(s) ​

Courses, Instructor

Required Parameters ​

  1. Course # (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)
  2. Numeric return value (default is 1):

1= return field entered in parameter 3

2= return total payments for all instructors in a course

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Field from Instructor table to return (i.e. inname3, intitle, inbio)

--OR--field from Linkinst table to return. If returning field from Linkinst, must preface field name with "Linkinst." (i.e. Linkinst.lipayrate, Linkinst.lipaytype, Linkinst.lihours).

  1. Logical .t. returns only first instructor data, .f. returns all instructors' data
  2. Condition to return values based on Linkinst table (i.e. "lipaytype = 'G' ", "lipaydate >CTOD(01/01/2015)")
  3. Delimiter: character to separate instructors (",", "-"). Default is carriage return.

Example(s) ​

CLSTEACH(cocrse,1,"incity") returns the instructor's city (for all instructors assigned to specific course)

CLSTEACH(cocrse,2) returns total dollar of payment for instructor(s) for course cocrse

CLSTEACH(cocrse,1,"intitle",.t.) returns the instructor's title for the first instructor only

CLSTEACH(cocrse,1,"Linkinst.lihours",.f.,"lipaytype='G' ") returns number of hours for which instructor is paid for instructors who receive percentage of gross course income

Notes ​

If a '1' is passed as the second parameter, you must also pass it the 3rd parameter. If a '2' is passed as the second parameter, the function returns total of all payments for all instructors for this course (based on Faculty Manager fee setup).
