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Creating Invoices ​

To create and print invoices:

  1. Add a Billing type payment to all registrations that should be invoiced.
  2. Enter the appropriate billing information into the Billing records.


P.O. #. Payer Name, and Attention values are used when determining which billing records are grouped on an invoice.

  1. When all the billing records have been created, select Reports > Invoices > Run Invoices to run invoices.
  2. On the Report Options screen, the Print New Invoices box should be checked by default unless you have unchecked the Default Run Invoices to Print New box on Pay Preferences. To print new invoice, the box MUST be checked.
  3. Select any other applicable print options (i.e. sort order, new invoices for one course or selected payer, etc.).


The Invoice Halt setting will be turned on when you select the Print New Invoices option. With the Invoice Halt turned on, no one else will be able to print new invoices until you are finished.

  1. Click the OK button. The system now:
  • Selects all the appropriate billing records.
  • Groups the appropriate billing records together.
  • Assigns an invoice number to each billing group.
  1. The Print Preview screen now opens.
  2. Close the Print Preview screen and print the invoices.
  3. After you send the invoices to the printer, you'll be asked if you want to permanently assign the invoice number to the selected billing records. Click the Yes button after verifying that the invoices printed correctly.

Invoice Halt Setting ​

When printing new invoices, the Invoice Halt setting is turned on so no one else will be able to print new invoices until you are finished.

If the print new invoices routines closed unexpectedly, the Invoice Halt setting is not turned off. In that case, you can manually turn it off from Tools > Financial > Reset Invoice Halt.

You will be asked if anyone else is running invoices. If no one else is running invoices, click the No button.

Anyone Else Running Invoices?

You can then run invoices:

Run Invoices Now

Assign Invoice Num ​

If you want to immediately assign an invoice number to the payment group, you can click the Assign Invoice Num button on the payment.

Assign Invoice Num button

The invoice number is assigned to all Billing payments in the registration group.

After assiging the Invoice number (above), you can print and email the invoice by clicking the Print/Email Invoice button.

The Print Preview opens for you to print the report, if desired. After it closes, you have the option to email a PDF copy of the invoice to the email address listed on the payment record.


This routine requires an email address entered into the payment record.

Email Required

Email PDF?

Edit the email subject, if desired:

Email Subject

Edit the email message, if desired:

Edit Email Message Text

Enter a person to send a BCC copy, if desired:


The invoice is now emailed.

IMPORTANT: if there is no email listed on the payment record, no email is sent:

Invoices Sent