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Suggestions for Managing Contract Courses ​

Although you have the option of marking registrations as billing records, you may not always need to use it. Your choices from here on out depend on the nature of your contract, and whether or not the contracting agent will be attending/participating in the course. Some of the most common scenarios and suggested approaches follow:

Group Registrations? ​

If this course is ONLY open to employees of the contracting firm, then grouping is not necessary. In fact, if you are planning to use the approach of assessing all course fees to one registration, trying to group registrations will be confusing.

Contracting Agent also Attending? ​

If the contracting agent is also attending the class, you do NOT need to use the billing record option. You only need to use it when the individual being billed is NOT attending the course.

Course Pricing? ​

If you are charging a flat fee for the course, create a Contract Price fee (in Course Fees) then register your contracting agent and assign them the Contact Price (e.g. $4995.00).

If you are charging per person, create a Per Person fee (in Course Fees). Register the contracting agent and select the Per Person fee (e.g. $250.00). Then enter the number of seats that they are purchasing in the number of seats field (‘X’). The system will multiply the per person rate by the number of seats to give you a total fee.

Participant Names? ​

If you have not discovered Speed Entry - One Class, you are missing a great feature. This routine allows you to set up basic registration data, i.e. the fee, CEUs, etc., for one course, and then quickly register individuals in the course with the specified registration entries.

Running Reports? ​

  • Invoices - run standard invoice as usual. Invoices will list the payer. If you want to list the names of the individuals in the contract course, use the LISTSTUD() function.

  • Rosters – contract course rosters do NOT show registrations marked as billing records.

  • Income - daily income reports DO report any payments, transactions for this course (the status of the billing record field does not have any effect on income reporting).

  • Registration Reports – check the Include Third Party Billing Reggies to include billing records in your report.

  • Course Reports - query by course type. Course type should be a standard field in most course level reports.