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Used in a JUSTDOIT to return individuals who have taken a specific # of credits/hours.

Reporting Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​

  1. Criteria to match records in cursor (i.e. "nmocc='SUPV' ", "rggrade = 'A' ")
  2. Numeric return value: minimum number of credits/hours individual must have taken--for all courses in cursor--to be included (i.e. 25- individual must have a minimum of 25 hours in all courses reported to be included)

--OR--character return value to bring up a dialog box at report run time where you can input the number of courses meeting parameter 1 condition:

"ASK": count must be equal to or greater than number entered
"EQUAL": count must exactly match number entered
"LESS": count must be less than number entered
"BETWEEN": count must be between numbers entered

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Field to sum (i.e.: 'rgcredit', 'rghours', 'rgceus'). Default is 'rgceus'
  2. Condition to evaluate credits/hours (i.e. rgcredits => 1, rghours > 0).
  3. Logical .t. will not place 0 as marker in the cursor (so other justdoits can be added to report, if desired).

Example(s) ​

JUSTDOIT('=GRADCRED("nmocc='SUPV' ",40,"rghours")') returns all those in the query that have SUPV as their Occupation value, and have a minimum of 40 hours in all courses reported (i.e. if individual is enrolled in three of the courses queried, he/she must have earned at least 40 hours in those three courses to be included).

JUSTDOIT('=GRADCRED("nmocc='SUPV' ","ASK","rghours","[ABCD]$ alltrim(rggrade)")') returns all those in the query that have SUPV as the Occupation value, the number of hours in all courses reported is equal to or greater than the number entered when the report is run, AND have a passing grade in the courses.