Faculty Manager Reports ​
There are a variety of Faculty reports available including agreements, performance, check request and a 1099 form. Faculty reports work just like all ACEware reports and can be modified to meet your needs.
Quick Reports ​
The Quick Reports button on the Faculty screen allows you to quickly print reports for the instructor. Quick reports use the same templates as the
Reports area. When you click the button, you can select the report you want to run.Note: you cannot modify reports from the Faculty Quick Reports area. To edit a report, you must run the report from the
area.Reports > Faculty Manager Menu ​
:: warning Note The query you run with all but the Faculty ONLY Report area must reference course information (e.g. course number is or course begins between two dates). :::
Faculty Contracts - generate one at a time from Course Quick Reports or in sets from .
Instructor Lists - generate address and phone lists as well as lists of Instructor with their course information. This area is also useful for reporting all courses taught by a particular instructor.
1099 Form - prints 1099 forms for tax purposes.
Performance Data - show which instructors are generating the most enrollments.
Check requests - print a check request to pay an instructor.
Faculty Only Reports - reports that do not contain course information. For example, instructor contact lists, mailing labels, envelopes, etc. These reports run independent of any course information.