Invoicing Preferences ​
Pay Preferences that change Invoicing Behavior:
- Invoice Starting # - set the starting invoice sequence number.
- Default Billing Date - determine what the Billing Date is automatically set to when creating new Billing type payment records (e.g. Course Begin date, Course End date, Current date, or User Defined date). Note: this will effect all future billings.
- Assign Invoice # at Billing Screen - immediately assign an invoice number (within the invoice number sequence) for this billing.
- Assign Invoice # for Payment Plans - immediately assign invoice numbers when the Payment Plan is created.
- Set payment amount on new billings to account for existing billing records - when you select the Billing pay type, the system will reset the Amount on the payment to the total amount due for the group, accounting for any existing billing records.
- Don't change Invoice Date when running invoices - when generating invoices, the billing date will be used instead of the current date (default).
- Keep Paid to Invoice #s on Refunded Payments (Refund Wizard) - keeps the Paid to Invoice Number value when a payment made to an invoice is refunded.
- Show Outstanding Invoices on Startup? - show the list of outstanding invoices when logging into Student Manager. After closing the screen, gives you the option to email a PDF copy of the outstanding invoices to the email address listed on the billing type payment record.
- Default Run Invoices to Print New - will automatically check the Print New Invoices box when printing invoices from .