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Email Set Up ​

To set up the Email module:

IMPORTANT: you must be a Student Manager administrator to access Email Settings.

  1. Get everyone else out of Student Manager.
  2. Select Tools > Database Admin > Email Settings.

Email Module Setup Screen

Settings ​

  • Name of your SMTP Mail Server - If you are using an *external server such as Gmail, you will need to enter a colon then the port number after the smtp server name. E.g. You must also enter information in the External Server settings (see below).

  • From Name <email> - The default return Sender Name and Email Address to be used if the user does not have his/her email address entered on his/her user record.

  • Always use this Email address when sending registration confirmations - If you want to use the entered email insteed of using the name/email address of the staff memeber sending the email.

  • Message Subject - The subject text you want to use for registration confirmation emails sent from Student Manager.

  • Do not use single subject line for Email receipts, use catalog name field instead - This option will use the name of the email template instead of the Subject entered in the

  • Auto Stamp today's date in rgconfirm field? - Check if you want to stamp the current date in the Confirmation field on the Registration screen (lower right of screen if enabled) each time a registration confirmation is sent out.

  • Stamp date and course number in Student’s comment field? - Check if you want to stamp the course number and date in the individual’s Name Comments field when emailing registration confirmations.

  • Always send a copy to this address - Check this box then enter an email that is to receive a BCC copy of registration confirmations.

  • My SMTP Server requires a username/password - If you use an external server such as Gmail, or if your SMTP server requires credentials to authentication, check this box then enter the Username and Password of the external email server account. Also requires the USe SSL option enabled.

  • Use SSL? - Check this box if you use an external server such as Gmail, or if your SMTP server requires credentials to authentication.

  • Modern Authentication Settings - If using a Modern Authentication option such as office365, enter the Endpoint, Client ID, Scope, and Client Secret into the appropriate settings.