Used in a JUSTAFTER to export a set of Firms from FIRM table in a specified format.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Required Parameters ​
Optional Parameters ​
- Name ID (i.e: nmid, rgid, pyid)
- Drive\Directory\Filename for export file. Default is: c:\firmexp.dbf
- Logical .t. include multiple instances of firm, .f. one firm name per file (default)
- Character expression: field to add to export (i.e. 'rgcrse as CourseNo')
Example(s) ​
JUSTAFTER("=FIRMEXP()") exports firm data as dBASE III file in C:\ called FIRMEXP.DBF
JUSTAFTER("=FIRMEXP('nmid','A:myfirms.xls')") exports Firm data to a Microsoft Excel file in A:\ drive called MYFIRMS.xls
Notes ​
Use in a JUSTAFTER to automatically export all fields from the FIRM.DBF file, plus a user defined field (if desired).
If you pass the file name within parameter # 2 with the .xls extension, the function will generate a Microsoft Excel file or pass the file name within parameter # 2 with the .TXT or .CSV extension, the function will generate an ASCII output file.