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Main Course Fees ​

Main Fees are the rate an individual pays when enrolling in a course.

  • A course can have an unlimited amount of Main fees (e.g. default rate, senior citizens rate, early enrollment rate, etc.).
  • Only one Main fee can be assessed to a registration.

Main Fees are added on the course Fees tab.

Add Main Fee ​

  1. Select the Fees tab.
  2. Click the Add Main Fee button.
  3. Select the appropriate fee name from the Fee Description list. Note: if the Fee Description you want to add does not exist, you may add it to the Main Fee Code list by clicking the + button above the Fee Description field.
  4. Enter the amount in the Amount field.
  5. If you want to hide this fee from the Web, click the Hide from Web field to turn the button to Yes.
  6. The Order should be automatically set. The only reason you would change the order is if you're adding an Early Bird fee to the course after you've already entered other fees.
  7. If you are using the Membership feature, you may need to enter when the membership expires (on membership type courses) or what membership the fee rate applies to (courses for which participant can receive a member discount).
  8. Click the Save button to save your Main fee.

Early Bird Fees ​

You can set up an Early Bird fee to expire on a certain date. It will be the default fee for new registrations until it expires, then the regular fee becomes the default fee.


  • To use the Early Bird fee feature, you must first enable the Auto Expire Early Bird fees option on Course Preferences.
  • You may set a default Expire Day number for Early Bird Registration Fees on the Codes screen.
  • The date you enter in step 3 is the date the fee will expire. E.g. if you enter 8/15/2024, the fee will be disabled (moved to the bottom of the fees list and Hide from Web set) on that date.

To set up an Early Bird fee for a course:

  1. Complete step 1-5 in Adding Main Fees section above. In step 3, select Early Bird Fee.
  2. If you're adding an Early Bird fee to the course after you've set up other Main fees, set the Order to 1 (the Early Bird fee must be the first fee in the list to work properly). Then set your regular fee to 2.
  3. Enter the date the fee should expire in the Fee Expires field.
  4. Click the Save button to save the new fee. If you adjusted the order of fees, they will be reordered when you save the changes.

Fee Limits ​

Enter a number in the Max field when setting up course Main Fees to limit how many registrants can receive that fee.

If the limit has been met, the registrant is assessed the next fee in the list. E.g. if you only allow 5 Early Bird fees, the 6th person to register will be assessed the next fee set up in your Main fees list.

ACEweb also supports Fee Limits.

Active Fees ​

If you are using the Early Bird Fees feature (see above section), you can set a date that fees are active in the Active column. Registrants will not be assessed the rate until the Active date. ACEweb registrants will not be able to select the fee until it is active.

Inactive Fee

Hybrid Courses ​

If this is a Hybrid type course, you must set the Hybrid type (Physical or Virtual) for each fee. The system will warn you if you don't have the Hybrid type set on Main fees when you save the course record.

Delete Course Fee ​

To delete a course fee:

  1. Select the fee you want to delete.
  2. Click on the White box to the left of the Fee Description field. This will turn the box Black.

Delete a Fee

  1. Click the Save button to save your changes.

VFP Users: the fee is marked for deletion and will be removed from the system when you run the Pack/Reindex routine. SQL Users: the fee is deleted when you save the course record.