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ACEweb Security Information ​

Security is a valid concern for any website operator, and an application such as ACEweb that allows online data entry presents a special set of concerns.

If your site is public, it is accessible to anyone on the planet with a web browser, so you want to make sure that web users are only allowed access to the resources you want them to have. In particular, you want to protect your Student Manager data from unauthorized access.

Fortunately, many of the best security practices are relatively easy to implement. Some of the primary security considerations for ACEweb are summarized below.

Server Versions ​

ACEweb must be run on a Windows Server running Internet Information Services (IIS).

ACEweb will run on 64-bit servers if 32-bit compatibility mode is enabled.

In addition, IIS must be properly configured to run ACEweb. Full instructions can be found in Windows Server Configuration.

Data Directory Location ​

For those using the default FoxPro data files rather than a SQL database, it is essential that measures be taken to prevent unauthorized access to those files.

Rule number one is to make sure that your Student Manager data folder is not part of the virtual web directory structure. While keeping your data on a separate machine from your web server could slightly reduce your risk for direct data piracy, you may find that your web pages take longer to load due to network data access overhead. If you want total security from Web hacking, set up the data server so it is accessed by a non-TCP network connection.

If your Student Manager data resides on the same box as your web server, you can still achieve good security as long as the data is not accessible via a relative path to your Web site.

Typically your Web site will be set up with one or more virtual directories mapped to folders on your server. For example, your Web site's home directory might be C:\Inetpub\wwwroot. Just make certain that your Student Manager folder lies entirely outside of that Web site home directory structure, ideally on a separate physical drive. This will assure that any viewing or modification of the data happens under the control of ACEweb.

File Access Rights ​

Under the IIS Web server, you can make use of Windows file based security. File permissions are validated by the Web server and authentication is requested when the user does not have rights to access a file. You only give the IIS Internet User account rights to public content.

The IIS Microsoft Management Console handles most of this for you automatically--when you set up a Web site directory it automatically adds the IIS Internet User account to the access list with the file attributes for reading and script access that you provide through the virtual directory dialog. If you need to protect individual files, you can go into Explorer and remove the IIS Internet User account and add special accounts as you see fit.

You will also need a Temp directory outside of the Web paths that supports FULL access for the IIS Internet User account. Note that, in either mode, the IIS Internet User account will need execute rights on the WConnect folder so that it can launch the appropriate program DLLs.

As for the Student Manager data, you should strictly limit access to authorized users. The Student Manager folder should not be under any of the web directories, and the IIS Internet User account should never be granted any permissions on it.

If ACEweb and Student Manager reside on the same server and you are using the default Foxpro database, ACEweb will run under the SYSTEM account. The SYSTEM account will need full control to all Student Manager data files.

If Student Manager resides on another machine or if you are using a SQL database, you must designate a user account for ACEweb to run under. This account should have full control of the ACEweb, Wconnect, and Student Manager folders. We suggest creating a domain account called "AWSA" (ACEweb System Account) for that purpose.

NTFS Partitions ​

It is assumed that you are using NTFS partitions on your hard drives.

Student Manager/ACEweb Ports ​

Student Manager and ACEweb use these ports so they will need to be enabled in customer firewalls:

  • Data Transfer Ports: TCP 139, 445; UDP 137, 138 are used when transferring data between ACEweb and Student Manager servers.
  • Standard Email Port: 25 is used by the standard email routine.
  • Secure Email Port: 587 is used by secure email (SSL) options like gmail.
  • HTTP Traffic Port: 80 is used for http web traffic.
  • HTTPS Traffic Port: 443 is used for https web traffic.
  • SQL Database Users: TCP 1433 and in some cases UDP 1434 are used for transferring data from SQL database to Student Manager and ACEweb.

SSL Certificate ​

While ACEweb can run without one, we strongly recommend you purchase an SSL certificate from an authorized vendor and install it on the ACEweb server.

Once the SSL certificate is installed, you must enable SSL support in ACEweb. To enable SSL:

  1. Set the SSL INI setting to ON.
  2. Include the https: designation in the URL on the ACEwebURL INI setting.
  3. Modify any hard coded links to include the https: designation (i.e. links to Home.htm, and any other hard coded links you have placed on ACEweb HTML templates).

Secure Cookies ​

ACEweb can be set to only use secure cookies. To do so, set the SecureCookie INI setting to ON in the AwSys.ini.

Firewall Configuration ​

Issues in this area can get a bit tricky. Not only is the technical side more complex, but you may encounter resistance from your network systems staff, who will understandably be concerned about the types of traffic that will be passing through the firewall.

If you already have a web server in place behind the firewall, there should not be a problem. Web Connection does not require its own port, as it is not a TCP/IP service in and of itself. It will work in conjunction with the ports that have already been established for IIS.

However, you may encounter a situation where the web server resides in the firewall's "DMZ", thus isolating it from the internal network. The question then becomes one of allowing the web server to "see" the Student Manager data behind the firewall. There are a number of approaches that can be taken.

You may be able to set up a secure "conduit" to the internal data via an IP address that only the web server recognizes. Alternatively, a protected admin or system account on the web server could be allowed access to data drives on the Student Manager servers. If the web server security is set up correctly and maintained this should provide a very robust security solution.

Server Updates ​

Keeping your operating system and web server components updated should be part of any standard security routine. Please apply Service Packs as they are released and run the Windows Update option regularly to apply any critical updates that are available.

The same is true of ACEweb. We have on occasion discovered security vulernabilities that could potentially put Student Manager data at risk. When that happens, we make every effort to fix the problem and make an update available asap. However, the update does no good until it's actually installed on your server, and for that we must rely on you.

Web Connect Server Maintenance Page Access Rights ​

You should restrict access to the Web Connection Server Maintenance Page with the AdminAccount setting (set in wc.ini if running the ISAPI version, in wconnect\web.config if running the .NET version).

We strongly recommend organizations set up a Network User Account specifically for ACEweb administrators (e.g. 'AWSA' - ACEweb Service Account). This allows you to enlist the help of your ACEware Systems technician with troubleshooting or configuration settings (i.e. you give the technician the AWSA login instead of your personal login when they need to access Administrative pages).

Note: to use a network account, you must also enable Basic Authentication on the inetpub/wwwroot/wconnect folder. See the Windows Server Configuration topic for more information.

Additional security may be applied by setting specific permissions to the /wconnect/admin/ folder. Removing the IIS Internet User account and adding a specified account with read and execute access will prompt for Windows authentication before the admin pages can be displayed. Note: users will still be required to enter a valid Student Manager user name/password to perform tasks.

ACEweb Administrative Tools Page Access Rights ​

You should also restrict access to the ACEweb Administration Page. Access to these tools is based on Student Manager security settings. You may set the minimum Student Manager access level a user must have to perform these tasks in the AdminLevel INI setting.

Additional security may be applied by setting specific permissions to the /wconnect/admin/ folder. Removing the IIS Internet User account and adding a specified account with read and execute access will prompt for Windows authentication before the admin pages can be displayed. Note: users will still be required to enter a valid Student Manager user name/password to perform tasks.

Payment Service ​

ACEwe supports a number of redirect-type payment services, including PayPal Payflow Link, CyberSource,, CashNet, Elavon, and Touchnet uPay.

The credit card information is never stored on the Student Manager system and the payment service takes on responsibility for PCI compliance.

Script Mapping ​

ACEweb uses a script map to link the .awp extension to the DLL on the web server. This improves web server security by removing the DLL as an exposed target for hackers.