Replaces each occurrence of the specified character string with another character string. You can specify where the replacement begins and how many replacements are made.
Reporting Area(s) ​
General Student Manager and ACEweb
Required Parameters ​
- Expression/field to search (i.e. conoteprt, pcPayPrompt)
- Expression to search for (i.e. " : ", "credit card")
- Expression to replace every occurrence of the searched for expression specified in step 2 (i.e. " - ", "Visa or Master Card")
Optional Parameters ​
- Numeric return value: which occurence to replace
- Numeric return value: number of occurrences to replace
Example(s) ​
STRTRAN(conoteprt," : "," - ") replaces every occurence of [space]:[space] with [space]-[space]
STRTRAN(pcPayPrompt,"credit card","Visa or Master Card") replaces the words 'credit card' with 'Visa or Master Card' in the pay prompt message on ACEweb's individual course information page.
Notes ​
Standard FoxPro Function