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Registration Reports ​

Registration Module reports can be accessed in three reporting areas. Any of the Registration Module reports can be modified to meet your organization's needs.

Registration Receipts ​

The Print Receipt button on the Registration screen allows you to print or email receipts for the registration group (if grouped, otherwise prints for the single registration).

Registration Receipts Screen

Reports > Registrations ​

Registration Receipts are individualized reports. To run reports on groups of registrants, select a report from the Registrations report area. The following list tells you what data is available and what tables you can query in each report area.

Registrations (with Fees and Payments)

  • Data: all Name record information, Firm name and address; Name UDFs
  • Query Tables:  Names, NameUDFs, Firms (name and address only)

Counts of Optional Fees

  • Data:  course name and begin date, CEUs, hours, grades, fee, money owed, codes, firm information, demographic data
  • Query Tables:  Course (name and begin date), Register (course name and dates, grade/credits awarded), Names (name and contact information)

Income Detail by Registrant

  • Data:  name, address, title, firm, city, state, zip, email
  • Query Tables:  Names, Firm, Name UDFs, Register, Registration UDFs


  • Data:  course name and begin date, CEUs, hours, grades, fee, money owed, codes, firm information, demographic data
  • Query Tables:  Course (name and begin date), Register (course name and dates, grade/credits awarded), Names (name and contact information)


  • Data:  name, address, title, firm, city, state, zip, email
  • Query Tables:  Names, Firm, Name UDFs, Register, Registration UFDs


  • Data: all Name record information, Firm name and address; Name UDFs
  • Query Tables:  Names, NameUDFs, Firms (name and address only)


  • Data:  course name and begin date, CEUs, hours, grades, fee, money owed, codes, demographic data
  • Query Tables:  Course (name and begin date), Register (course name and dates, grade/credits awarded), Names (name and contact information)


  • Data:  name, address, title, firm, city, state, zip, email
  • Query Tables:  Names, Firm, Name UDFs, Register, Registration UFDs


  • Data:  course name and begin date, CEUs, hours, grades, fee, money owed, codes, demographic data
  • Query Tables:  Course (name and begin date), Register (course name and dates, grade/credits awarded), Names (name and contact information)