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Returns Description (or chosen field) of the selected code.

Reporting Area(s) ​


ACEweb: Office Notification Email

Required Parameters ​

  1. Code Field (i.e. nmocc, nmorg, nmtrack)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Field from Code Table to return (i.e. "Cost", "No_Broch", "Discript") Discript is default
  2. *Code Category in Choices table to search for code value entered in parameter 1 (i.e. "subj", "srce", "occ"). ONLY needed if the code entry is used in more than one code area (i.e. if you have the code "educ" in the Interest/Subject code list and also in the Organization code list).

Student Manager Examples ​

QUIKCODE(nmocc) returns description of individual's occupation code (i.e. Agricultural Technician)

QUIKCODE(nmocc,"dateupdate") returns date of last update to occupation code (i.e. 021002)

QUIKCODE(nmocc,"discript","occ") returns the description of the occupation code

ACEweb Example ​

##quikcode(tPerson.nmdisable,[discript],[disa])## returns description of the registrant's Disability code

*Code Categories ​

Code Categories and the associated code list.

  • adjf - FEES: Registration (OTF) Adjustment Fees
  • atnd - ATTEND: Attendance Codes
  • atmo - ATTEND: Module Codes
  • ccat - COURSE: Course Categories
  • coor - COURSE: Course Coordinators
  • dept - COURSE: Department Codes
  • disa - NAMES: Disability Codes
  • edlv - NAMES: Education Level Codes
  • empv - FIRM: Employee Codes
  • ethn - NAMES: Ethnic Origin Codes
  • fees - FEES: Course Main Fee Descriptions
  • finaid - FINANCIAL AID: Types
  • fmc1 - FIRM: Character 1
  • fmc2 - FIRM: Character 2
  • fopt - FEES: Course Additional/Optional Fee Descriptions
  • ftyp - NAMES: Family Type
  • grou - COURSE: Grouping Codes
  • hmow - NAMES: Dwelling Type
  • inudfc1 - Instructor Screen > Additional Info (UDFs) tab > +Pay Type
  • inv - FEES: Inventory Items
  • lang - NAMES: Language Codes
  • leac - COURSE: Account Numbers
  • lect - LEDGER: Major Expense Categories
  • ledg - LEDGER: Expense Classification Codes
  • loci - LOCATION: City
  • loco - LOCATION: County
  • mart - NAMES: Marital Status
  • memshp - COURSE: Membership Codes
  • merc - COURSE: Merchant Numbers
  • misc - REGISTER: Miscellaneous Codes
  • ninc - NAMES: Household Income
  • nmsc - NAMES: Miscellaneous Codes
  • occ - NAMES: Occupation Codes
  • org - NAMES: Organization Codes
  • pmoc - NAMES: Prefer M of C Codes
  • pypc - PAY: Payment Identifiers
  • refw - PAY: Refund Wizard Pay Adjustments
  • rgcd - REGISTER: Reg Code
  • salv - NAMES: Salutations
  • scope - NAMES: Interest Code Scoping
  • sex - NAMES: Sex (Gender) Codes
  • sizv - FIRM: Sales Codes
  • srce - NAMES: Source/Tracking Codes or REGISTER: Tracking Codes
  • stat - REGISTER: Registration Status
  • subj - COURSE: Subject Codes or NAMES: Interest Codes
  • tetyp - NAMES: Testing & Certification Types