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Used in a JUSTDOIT to return individuals who have taken a specific # of credits/hours within 2 different course groups. Primarily used within Transcripts. Allows reporting for certificate program completion of dual level certificates.

Reporting Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​

  1. Condition based on course/registration/grouping code to meet requirements (i.e. "grcode="MGT'").
  2. Number of CEUS/Hours/Credits (per parameter 1) individual must have to be included.

--OR--character return value "ASK" to bring up a dialog box at report run time where you can input the number of courses meeting parameter 1 condition.

  1. Condition based on course/registration to meet requirements (i.e. "grcode="COMP'").
  2. Number of CEUS/Hours/Credits (per parameter 1) individual must have to be included.

--OR--character return value "ASK" to bring up a dialog box at report run time where you can input the number of courses meeting parameter 1 condition.

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Credit field to sum (rgcredit, rghours, rgceus). Default is rgceus. NOTE: this could ALSO be used to sum total FEES paid (fees charged)
  2. Logical .t. (default) - both conditions must be met, .f. - either condition must be met.
  3. Condition to include individual after they have met conditions above (i.e. "rggrade $'ABC'", rgstatus <> 'Graduate'").

Example(s) ​

JUSTDOIT("=gradcred2('rgceus',30,'grcode="TRA" ',39,'grcode="TRD" ') returns all those in the query that have a minimum of 30 ceus in course groups TRA and TRD.

JUSTDOIT("=gradcred2('rghours',20,'subs(rgcrse,3,1)=[F]',10,'subs(rgcrse,3,1)=[U]',.t.,' nmid<>[P] ')") returns all those in the query that have a minimum of 20 hours in courses where the 3rd parameter is F, and 10 hours in courses where the 3rd parameter is U, and EXCLUDES names with ID starting w "P".

JUSTDOIT("=gradcred2('rgceus',"ASK",'grcode="TRA" ',39,'grcode="TRD" ') returns all those in the query that have (Ask Later for #) or more ceus in course groups TRA and TRD.