Output Reports in Other Formats ​
You can choose to print a report, or you can output the report in other formats.
Microsoft Office must be installed on the user's computer to output in Excel or Word formats. If using Remote Desktop to access Student Manager on the server, it must be installed on the server.
To output a report in another format:
- Select the appropriate Report area.
- On the Report Options screen in the Also Output As drop down list, select the desired output format:
- Enter the path (location for the saved file)* and name for the file. You can enter it directly into the path field (C:\ACEHOLD\13SACE010A.PDF in this example),
or you may click the ... button to the right of the Path field to open the standard Windows Save screen (i.e. select the location, enter the file name, then click the OK button).
*We STRONGLY discourage saving files into your Student Manager directory. Instead, create a folder on your C:\ drive called ACEHOLD and save the Output files to this location.
- Select any other appropriate options (e.g. Additional Report, Include Canceled, etc.), then click the OK button.
- If you are running a report from the Reports Menu, select and run the appropriate query. If you are running a Quick Report, this step will be skipped.
- If you selected the Additional Report option, select the appropriate report.
- The Report Preview opens (if you have the Preview option enabled). When you close the Report Preview window, the output file is created in the location you specified in step 3.
Also Email Output File ​
If you would also like to email your output file, in step 4 above, check the Also Email Output File. After the system saves you file, the Student Manager Quick Email screen opens with your output file attached.
HTML Output ​
If you select the HTML format, the system will create an HTML page of the report for web viewing. If the report is more than one page, the system will also create navigation icons for the web page.
You must copy the HTML page AND all associated graphics to you Web page folder or users will not be able to move from page to page.